Thursday, November 22, 2012

Little Sister

Dear Aidan,

The last month has been a whirl wind in our house. Your baby sister joined our family on 22 October at 12:33 P.M. You have been the most amazing big brother, and Daddy and I are so very proud of you.

We got to spend a full four weeks together at home. In those four weeks, we didn't do much more than play at the park and go to the mall to play at the inside park when it was too cold outside. You learned how to share Daddy and me as well as your toys. You also learned what it means to be gentle and nice. I especially loved every time that you came to check on your sleeping sister, patted her head, and then said, "Nice".

I don't know what else to say except thank you for taking all of this in stride and being such a good boy for us. I love you just as much today as I did the day you were born.

Love, Mama