Dear Aidan,
We found out a few days ago that you're going to be a big brother. Daddy and I were so stunned when we found out, but we are so very happy to be giving you a baby brother or sister. I want you to grow up being the best big brother you can be. You're going to get into fights and think that your sibling is the most annoying person in the world, but at the end of the day, you're going to love each other and do anything keep each other happy. I want you to set an example. Pick on your sibling, protect your sibling when others pick on him or her, help your sibling steal cookies from the cookie jar, show your baby brother or sister that it's ok to laugh hysterically at fart jokes but also to cry when your dog dies. I want you to build forts together, blow bubbles and try to catch them with the wand, giggle together in the dark until you fall asleep, race your bikes up and down the sidewalk (unless there's someone walking on it, then you move out of the way), catch fireflies, sing songs. But mostly, I want you to love and protect each other. Daddy and I will always love you no matter how many more siblings we give you. We'll never love you any less than we do today, and we'll never play favorites (except for when one of you is throwing a temper tantrum, then we might play favorites).